57 news articles found. Viewing mode :

Interest Rates may be cut in August 26 July 2024

Currently the Bank of England has been at a 16-year high of 5.25% base rate. This is expected to be dropped to 5% as of August. The majority of economists surveyed, 49 out of 60, estimated this decrease. The interest rate decrease will be the first one after 14 consecutive hikes for the Bank of England.... Read More

Renters Rights Bill Confirmed 22 July 2024

A new Renters Rights Bill has been confirmed on the 17th July 2024. This was confirmed as an announcement was made in the King"s Speech saying the government would give "greater rights and protections to people renting their homes, including ending ‘no fault" evictions and reforming grounds for possession.... Read More

The Future of Housing in a Labour Government 17 July 2024

The results of the UK general election were announced on 4th July and saw Labour win by a landslide majority over the Conservative party. This has ended the Conservative"s 14-year reign and Labour plan to make a lot of significant changes to the housing market as stated in their manifesto.... Read More

Why it is still Profitable being a Landlord in 2024 14 June 2024

With all the doom and gloom from the recent months, we look at some of the points in which being a Landlord still reaps financial benefits in the present day.

Recently, Landlords in the UK have faced criticism from government policies. They have been portrayed as easy targets in a political battle aimed at gaining tenants" favour, often at the expense of those who have invested in the private rental sector.... Read More

What happens to the Renters Reform Bill during the Election? 10 June 2024

With a General Election being called for July 4th many of us are wondering what may happen to the current Renters Reform Bill. The Renters Reform Bill is part way through its Parliamentary process having gone through the House of Commons and has had its first reading in the House of Lords.... Read More

Rent Rises are Slowing Down 03 June 2024

Landlords have seen some big rises in rent over the last few years, however signs are showing that rental prices are slowing down. Average private rents in the UK increased by 8.9% in the last 12 months which is down from 9.2% in the previous month. This means on average tenants are still paying £103 more every month than they were a year ago.... Read More

Attention Landlords: Possible Expansion of HMO Licensing in Reading 28 May 2024

On 21st May, Reading Borough Council sent an E-Mail round to HMO Landlords within the area to propose a new property licensing scheme. This would be an optional scheme which sits beside the existing mandatory scheme for larger houses in multiple occupation.... Read More

Plan Ahead with Your Taxes 20 May 2024

HMRC is giving new guidance to Landlords to file their Self-Assessment tax returns early. There are many benefits to doing this and figures are showing that more and more Landlords are getting earlier with filing this. The trend of submitting tax returns last minute every January is changing in the UK.... Read More

Overview into Current Housing Market 13 May 2024

The most recent Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) UK Residential Survey results have been released and paints a picture of what the next 12 months looks like for the rental and sales market. RICS is a sentiment survey which measures trends through the net balance of opinion amongst those surveyors polled.... Read More

UK House Prices Dip as Mortgage Rates Rise 07 May 2024

In April, UK house prices fell on average by 0.4%, this meant that the annual rate of house price growth decreased to 0.6%, down from 1.6% in the previous month. The average UK house price in April was £261,962 reported by Nationwide. This has caused nearly half (49%) of prospective first-time buyers to delay their plans over the past year.... Read More

Amendments Made to the Renters Reform Bill 26 April 2024

The Renters Reform Bill has seen over 200 amendments made, as it returned to the House of Commons for its Report Stage and Third Reading on 24th April 2024. Housing Secretary Michael Gove MP has stated that it"s now up to the House of Lords to decide how quickly the Bill can become law.... Read More

The Impact of the Renters Reform Bill on Student Accommodation 22 April 2024

In the Renters Reform Bill there has been some proposed changes to student accommodation. The Bill offers new protections to renters, while also granting new powers to Landlords. Some of its key provisions includes the ending of no-fault evictions and the ban of fixed-term tenancy agreements for all privately rented properties.... Read More